puce Solutions A dark red colour has 6 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordstopazPrecious stone (dark yellow colour)blackDarkest colour6-letter wordsoolongDark-coloured partly fermented Chinese tea9-letter wordsnavy-blueColour darker than royalnegativesPhotographic films on which light is dark and dark is light12-letter wordscopper-beechTree with dark-coloured leaves
Solutions A dark red colour has 6 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordstopazPrecious stone (dark yellow colour)blackDarkest colour6-letter wordsoolongDark-coloured partly fermented Chinese tea9-letter wordsnavy-blueColour darker than royalnegativesPhotographic films on which light is dark and dark is light12-letter wordscopper-beechTree with dark-coloured leaves