Solutions A literal pick-me-up during a 20-A has 16 entries with similar clues
- tet.. Nguyen Dan (literally, "first day festival")
- fiatLiterally, "Let it be done"
- magiLiterally, "astrologers"
- typoLiteral
- idiomExpression that does not make literal sense
- finlandThe country literally named Marshland
- biscuitFood literally twice cooked
- spumanteLiterally, "foaming"
- readablenot too heavy, literally speaking
- starboardLiterally, the steering side of a vessel
- literallyIn a literal manner
- magnumopuslatin phrase that literally means "great work"
- ten-letterswhat this answer literally has!
- lieunderoathCommit perjury ... or what literally can be found eight times in this puzzle
- extrememakeoverReality series with a "Home Edition" spinoff, and a literal hint to this puzzle's theme
- terrible-lizardLiteral meaning of dinosaur