Solutions A marriage ceremony has 31 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- idomarriage vow words
- mrsTitle after marriage
- 4-letter words
- riteA kind of ceremony
- 5-letter words
- inlawRelative by marriage
- bannsAnnouncement of marriage
- 6-letter words
- nubileMarriageable
- ritualReligious ceremony
- 7-letter words
- divorceEnd of marriage
- wedlockMarriage
- nuptialOf marriage
- 8-letter words
- nuptialsWedding ceremony
- occasionCeremony
- informalWithout ceremony
- 9-letter words
- sacramentA Christian ceremony
- matrimonyMarriage
- connubialRelating to marriage
- 10-letter words
- coronationCeremony of installing a monarch
- gold-ringsTokens of marriage
- monogamousHaving only one marriage partner
- 11-letter words
- matrimonialRelating to marriage
- bar-mitzvahCeremony for a Jewish boy
- misallianceAn unhappy marriage
- 12-letter words
- epithalamiumPoem in celebration of a marriage
- extramaritalOccurring outside marriage
- 13-letter words
- bottom-drawerHousehold linen and other items stored by a woman in preparation for her marriage
- white-weddingTraditional marriage
- 14-letter words
- blood-relativeA person who is related to another by birth rather than marriage
- 15-letter words
- decree-absoluteA final order by a court of law that officially ends a marriage
- rite-of-passageCeremony marking a change of status
- seven-year-itchDesire to be unfaithful after some years of marriage
- 19-letter words
- the-seven-year-itchA supposed tendency to infidelity after seven years of marriage