Solutions A medicinal pill has 25 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- popSwallow pills in excess or habitually
- lotbiblical nephew of abraham whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt
- bedplace with pillows
- 4-letter words
- dosepill amount
- raidPillage
- lootPillage
- 5-letter words
- twerpPillock
- lootsPillages
- tonicmedicinal drink
- 6-letter words
- columnPillar
- rapinePillage
- 7-letter words
- cushionPillow
- plunderPillage
- ransackPillage
- 8-letter words
- monolithStone pillar
- pilasterFlat pillar
- remedialMedicinal
- 9-letter words
- sedativesSleeping pills
- bed-linenSheets, pillowcases, etc.
- tincturesMedicinal solutions
- 10-letter words
- toothfairy*One leaving money under a pillow
- 13-letter words
- antihistamineMedicinal drug used in the treatment of allergies
- trajanscolumnColossal Roman pillar completed in AD113
- lily-the-pinkNoted inventor of medicinal compound
- 21-letter words
- camomile-or-chamomileMedicinal herbal tea