morphine Solutions A narcotic drug obtained from opium has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordscocaSouth American plant from which a narcotic drug is obtained5-letter wordsopiumnarcotic drug extracted from the unripe seeds of a poppy6-letter wordsopiateDrug with a opium base7-letter wordsshudderShake from/with fear8-letter wordsshoot-upInject oneself with a narcotic drugdeadlockSituation from/in which no progress can be made
Solutions A narcotic drug obtained from opium has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordscocaSouth American plant from which a narcotic drug is obtained5-letter wordsopiumnarcotic drug extracted from the unripe seeds of a poppy6-letter wordsopiateDrug with a opium base7-letter wordsshudderShake from/with fear8-letter wordsshoot-upInject oneself with a narcotic drugdeadlockSituation from/in which no progress can be made