fricandeau Solutions A slice of meat, often veal from the leg has 5 entries with similar clues 7-letter wordsshudderShake from/with fear8-letter wordsdeadlockSituation from/in which no progress can be madeescalopeSlice of boneless meat of veal9-letter wordsschnitzelThin slice of veal coated with bread crumbs and fried16-letter wordswiener-schnitzelA thin slice of veal coated with bread and fried
Solutions A slice of meat, often veal from the leg has 5 entries with similar clues 7-letter wordsshudderShake from/with fear8-letter wordsdeadlockSituation from/in which no progress can be madeescalopeSlice of boneless meat of veal9-letter wordsschnitzelThin slice of veal coated with bread crumbs and fried16-letter wordswiener-schnitzelA thin slice of veal coated with bread and fried