snippet Solutions A small item of news has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsleadFirst news item5-letter wordsscoopexclusive news item6-letter wordsreportNews item7-letter wordstabloidA newspaper with pages half the size of the normal newspaper9-letter wordsnewsflashA single item of important news broadcast separately and often interrupting other programmes12-letter wordssilly-seasonTime when news is scarce or there is not much news
Solutions A small item of news has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsleadFirst news item5-letter wordsscoopexclusive news item6-letter wordsreportNews item7-letter wordstabloidA newspaper with pages half the size of the normal newspaper9-letter wordsnewsflashA single item of important news broadcast separately and often interrupting other programmes12-letter wordssilly-seasonTime when news is scarce or there is not much news