Solutions Alcohol has 32 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- pubA bar or a place where alcoholic drinks are served
- alealcoholic beverage
- 4-letter words
- beerAlcoholic drink
- leesAlcoholic sediment
- wineAlcoholic drink
- 5-letter words
- ciderAlcoholic drink
- toperAlcoholic
- boozeAlcoholic drink
- 6-letter words
- scotchAlcoholic drink
- tippleAlcoholic drink
- 7-letter words
- spiritsalcoholic drinks
- liqueurAlcoholic chocolate
- 8-letter words
- carbinolWood alcohol
- methanolMethyl alcohol
- 9-letter words
- firewaterStrong alcoholic spirits
- abstinentavoiding alcohol
- 10-letter words
- scotchmistan alcoholic daze?
- dipsomaniaAlcoholism
- dependenceAlcohol addiction
- 11-letter words
- hard-liquorStrong alcohol
- teetotalismAbstinence from alcohol
- prohibitionBan on alcohol
- 12-letter words
- on-the-wagonNot drinking any alcohol
- 13-letter words
- drink-drivingAt the wheel under the influence of alcohol
- butyl-alcoholAlcohol having four carbon atoms
- dutch-courageConfidence gained from drinking alcohol
- 14-letter words
- hit-the-bottleStart to drink alcohol heavily
- spirited-drinkAlcoholic drink
- methyl-alcoholWood alcohol
- 15-letter words
- sign-the-pledgeGive a written promise to abstain from alcohol
- hair-of-the-dogAn alcoholic drink taken to cure a hangover
- 21-letter words
- drank-under-the-tableOutlasted another in alcohol consumption