Solutions An age has 40 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- eonAge
- yonAges
- 4-letter words
- eonsAges
- aeonVast age
- 5-letter words
- epochAge
- meansAgency
- yearsAges
- 6-letter words
- bureauAgency
- pectinSetting agent
- senileAddled by age
- 7-letter words
- wrinkleAge line
- elderlyAged
- eternalAgeless
- 8-letter words
- catalystAgent
- timelessAgeless
- scheduleAgenda
- 9-letter words
- detergentcleansing agent
- zeitgeistSpirit of age
- desiccantDrying agent
- 10-letter words
- spark-plugAgent of ignition
- senescenceDeterioration due to old age
- threadbareThin and tattered with age
- 11-letter words
- mustard-gasChemical warfare agent
- elizabethanAge from 1558 to 1603
- anno-dominiAdvanced old age (informal)
- 12-letter words
- disinfectantAgent that destroys bacteria
- package-dealTravel agent's arrangement
- washing-sodacleansing agent
- 13-letter words
- brewers-yeastFermenting agent in liquor
- superannuatedRetired or discharged because of old age
- young-and-oldPeople of all ages
- 14-letter words
- midlife-crisisAn ageing concern
- eminence-griseConfidential agent
- representativeAgent
- 15-letter words
- deus-ex-machinaContrived agent who unexpectedly solves the insoluble
- hasanaxetogrindIs motivated by a hidden agenda
- instrumentalityAgency
- 17-letter words
- power-of-attorneyLegal authorisation to act as another's agent
- 18-letter words
- alzheimers-diseaseDisorder that causes mental deterioration in middle age
- 50-letter words
- nasa-national-aeronautics-and-space-administrationUS space agency