Solutions An eco R has 36 entries with similar clues
- epaEcol. watchdog
- adamEconomist Smith
- lieuPlace where economy of truth is fashionable
- greenEco-friendly
- cheapEconomical
- thriftEconomy
- scrimpEconomise
- scrapeEconomise
- thriftyEconomise
- financeEconomics
- sparingEconomical
- moderateEconomical
- cut-backEconomise
- slowdownDecline in economic activity
- eroticiseTurn on corrupt Tories inflicting economic chaos at the outset
- deflationReduction of the general level of prices in an economy
- supremacyDomination in political or economic sphere
- thirdclassChild stars travelling economy
- coral-reefunderwater ecosystem *
- save-moneyEconomise
- preeminenceDomination in political or economic sphere
- tree-huggerActive eco-warrior
- green-partyEcologically aware group
- retrenchmentEconomy
- biodiversityEcological variety and richness
- greenwashingdishonest 'eco-friendly' pr
- disadvantagedSocially or economically deprived
- cruising-speedConvenient and economic velocity
- carbon-captureEcologically important process
- private-sectorThe part of the economy not under direct state control
- the-green-partyEcologists in politics
- self-sufficiencyEconomic independence
- john-stuart-millEnglish philosopher and economist, d. 1873
- john-maynard-keynesEnglish economist (1883–1946)
- world-trade-organizationAn international body founded to promote international trade and economic development by reducing tariffs and other restrictions
- penny-wise-and-pound-foolishEconomical in small matters but extravagant in large ones