Solutions audience or spectators has 23 entries with similar clues
- gisUSO audience mems.
- seekTry to find Sikh audiences
- turna shock for the audience?
- actsPerforms in front of audience
- usersApp audience
- adultsA-rated film audience
- encoreA repeat performance called for by an audience
- catcallJeer from the audience
- observeare spectators missing wimbledon's centre court shots?
- catertotarget, as an audience
- epilogueAddress to the audience at the end of a play
- audienceGathering of spectators
- turnstileControl for spectators' entry
- downstageTowards the audience
- noises-offSounds made off-stage to be heard by the audience of a play
- clapometerDevice measuring audience enthusiasm
- stagerightThe audience's left with great playing in prospect
- cliffhangerClimatic ending that leaves an audience in suspense
- read-my-lipsElectoral pledge to deaf audience
- stage-frightNervousness in front of audience
- stagewhisperAside to an audience
- stage-whisperOstensibly private aside intended to be heard by audience
- standing-ovationEnthusiastic applause by an audience who rise to their feet