Solutions aunt (anag.) has 28 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- bbcauntie
- oerroe anag.
- tiaspanish aunt
- 4-letter words
- itemmite (anag.)
- abuttuba anag.
- 5-letter words
- slainkilled; nails anag.
- dictamaxims; i'd act (anag.)
- t-barski lift; brat anag.
- 6-letter words
- velourmaterial; louvre anag.
- sniperripens anag.
- slovenslob; novels anag.
- 7-letter words
- intensefervent; teen sin anag.
- realisesee; see liar anag.
- alteredchanged; treadle anag.
- 8-letter words
- fairgameaunt sally, for example, may be easy prey
- popadumssides of india; do up maps (anag.)
- 9-letter words
- ancestrallancaster anag.
- nectarinefruit; entire can anag.
- clarifiessheds light on; fiscal ire anag.
- 10-letter words
- elecampaneplant with large hairy leaves and yellow petals; enamel cape anag.
- pressurisedragoon; see sir spur anag.
- federativejoined in a league; feet varied (anag.)
- 11-letter words
- opinionatedhaving strong views; iodine on tap anag.
- parishionerpier has iron anag.
- countrysidetony is crude anag.
- 12-letter words
- shockingpinkknocking ship (anag.)
- sweet-potatovegetable; we stop to eat anag.
- 13-letter words
- charnel-houseplace to store skeletal remains; hero launches anag.