action Solutions Battle in the law courts has 6 entries with similar clues 8-letter wordsforensicRelating to courts of lawjudicialRelating to judges and law courts9-letter wordssolicitorLawyer representing clients in the lower courts of lawjudiciaryJudges and law courts collectively10-letter wordsprocuratorIn Scotland, a lawyer practicing before lower courts12-letter wordsjurisdictionA system of law courts
Solutions Battle in the law courts has 6 entries with similar clues 8-letter wordsforensicRelating to courts of lawjudicialRelating to judges and law courts9-letter wordssolicitorLawyer representing clients in the lower courts of lawjudiciaryJudges and law courts collectively10-letter wordsprocuratorIn Scotland, a lawyer practicing before lower courts12-letter wordsjurisdictionA system of law courts