Solutions Beginning of lent has 29 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- dalIndian lentil dish
- geeGenesis' beginning
- 4-letter words
- germBeginning of an idea
- asofBeginning on
- dhalIndian lentil dish
- 5-letter words
- fastsobserves lent
- startBeginning
- onsetBeginning
- 6-letter words
- helpedLent a hand
- originBeginning
- outsetBeginning
- 7-letter words
- initialBeginning
- earlierNearer the beginning
- toeholdA small beginning
- 8-letter words
- advancedLent
- at-firstAt the beginning
- 9-letter words
- incipientJust beginning
- inceptionBeginning
- ab-initioFrom the beginning
- 10-letter words
- head-startAn advantage gained at the beginning
- woodpeckerflier in court beginning to display bottle
- primordialExisting at the beginning of time
- 12-letter words
- frontispiecePicture at the beginning of book
- from-scratchFrom the very beginning
- 14-letter words
- advanced-levelserious test in lent, with one tempted to tuck into large starter of linguine
- nip-in-the-budStop something in the beginning of its development
- starting-priceOdds on horse at the beginning of race
- 15-letter words
- alpha-and-omegaThe beginning and end of the matter
- 18-letter words
- in-the-first-placeAt the beginning