Solutions Birthplace of Mohammed has 14 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- san... Francisco, Bruce Lee's birthplace
- 4-letter words
- asiaBirthplace of the largest religions
- albiBirthplace of Toulouse-Lautrec
- bonnBeethoven's birthplace
- 6-letter words
- norwayBirthplace of Edvard Munch
- athensBirthplace of democracy
- assisiSt. Francis birthplace
- 7-letter words
- corsicaNapoleon's island birthplace
- islamicPertain to Mohammed's religion
- 8-letter words
- hartfordkate's birthplace
- salzburgBirthplace of Mozart
- tintagelKing Arthur's birthplace
- 9-letter words
- bethlehemBirthplace of Jesus
- 12-letter words
- cassius-clayMohammed Ali, the boxer