chancellor Solutions Bishop's chief administrative officer dealing with legal secular matters in the diocese has 5 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordslaicSecular8-letter wordsadjutantAdministrative assistant to commanding officer10-letter wordsarchdeaconClergyman with administrative responsibilities within a diocese11-letter wordssubstantiveDealing with real/important matters14-letter wordsparish-councilAdministrative body of the subdivision of a diocese
Solutions Bishop's chief administrative officer dealing with legal secular matters in the diocese has 5 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordslaicSecular8-letter wordsadjutantAdministrative assistant to commanding officer10-letter wordsarchdeaconClergyman with administrative responsibilities within a diocese11-letter wordssubstantiveDealing with real/important matters14-letter wordsparish-councilAdministrative body of the subdivision of a diocese