Solutions ..., borrow, steal has 28 entries with similar clues
- robsteal heart of acrobat
- robssteals
- nickSteal
- blagSteal
- poachSteal
- theftStealing
- rifleGun (steal)
- thieveSteal
- burgleSteal
- pilferSteal
- robbingStealing from
- furtiveStealthy
- purloinSteal
- rustlingStealing of livestock
- pussyfootGo stealthily or cautiously
- mortgageeThe borrower in a mortgage
- mortgagorThe borrower in a mortgage
- knocks-offSteals away
- plagiarismStealing someone else's idea
- peculationSteal money placed in one's trust
- sneak-up-onApproach stealthily
- kleptomaniaUrge to steal
- shopliftingStealing from stores
- malversationSteal money placed in one's trust
- librarybooksThey are bound to be borrowed
- embezzlementSteal money placed in one's trust
- light-fingeredProne to steal
- library-ticketBook borrower's slip