Solutions Breaking of a rule or regulation has 17 entries with similar clues
- lawsLegal regulations
- ruleRegulation
- bylawLocal authority regulation
- rulesRegulations
- wailscomplaints i lodged after second regulation overturned
- bylawsLocal regulations
- curfewRegulation restricting movement after certain time or at night
- rescindCancel regulation
- policingthe enforcement of regulations or an agreement
- red-tapeUnnecessary regulations
- infringeBreak a law or regulation
- ordinanceRegulation
- age-limitRegulation based on year of birth that sets down when one can no longer do something
- contraveneBreak a law or regulation
- discretionaryBased on personal decision rather than on regulations
- market-economyIt depends on competition rather than regulation
- air-raid-wardenPerson who checks observance of blackout regulations