Solutions Canine ailment has 23 entries with similar clues
- arfCanine cry
- fluWinter ailment, for short
- styeEyelid ailment
- illsAilments
- poochPet canine, informally
- coldsTransmittable ailments
- muttsPatrick McDonnell canine comic about Earl
- coyoteWild canine
- jackalCanine animal
- sea-dogCanine sailor
- bulldogSturdy canine
- illnessAilment
- maladiesAilments
- eyeteethCanines
- dogtoothCanine
- sabretoothA large extinct member of the cat family with massive curved upper canine tooth
- catholiconRemedy for all ailments
- complaintsAilments
- dog-eat-dogCanine cannibalism
- japanesetosaCanine of east Asian origin on the UK banned list
- gynaecologistSpecialist in women's ailments
- aches-and-painsMinor ailments
- angina-pectorisA sort of heart ailment