Solutions Cannon ammunition has 13 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- ionsFodder for "Star Wars" cannons
- shotAmmunition
- 5-letter words
- roundSingle item of ammunition
- looseword with "change" or "cannon"
- 6-letter words
- mortarsmall cannon with a short range
- 7-letter words
- bulletssymbols denoting items (ammunition)
- caissonLarge box for ammunition
- arsenalArms and ammunition store
- 8-letter words
- ordnanceHeavy weapons, ammunition, and related equipment
- trunnionProjecting pin on either side of a cannon
- howitzerCannon with a steep firing angle
- 9-letter words
- artilleryA collection of guns and cannons
- ordinanceCannon to right and left of one by decree