Solutions Carbon gemstone has 26 entries with similar clues
- mmlWhen the UK aims to reach net-zero carbon emissions
- jetBlack gemstone
- rubyGemstone
- onyxGemstone
- opalGemstone
- berylGemstone
- topazGemstone
- pearlGemstone
- garnetRed gemstone
- zirconGemstone
- peridotGemstone
- emeraldGemstone
- amethystGemstone
- sapphireBlue gemstone
- moonstoneWhitish gemstone
- turquoiseTypes of gemstones
- tigers-eyeGemstone
- red-jasperGemstone
- aquamarineGemstone
- bitterlemonTart-tasting carbonated drink
- alexandriteTypes of gemstones
- effervescentCarbonated
- lapis-lazuliTypes of gemstones
- butyl-alcoholAlcohol having four carbon atoms
- white-sapphireColourless gemstone
- greenhouse-gasCarbon dioxide