Solutions Celestial body has 15 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- suncelestial object
- 5-letter words
- cometCelestial body with a tail
- starsCelestial bodies
- atlasSupporter of the celestial sphere
- 6-letter words
- planetCelestial body orbiting a star
- cometsCelestial bodies
- angelsWinged celestial beings
- 7-letter words
- orbiterspacecraft designed to circle a celestial body rather than land
- eclipsecelestial obscuration
- planetsCelestial bodies
- 8-letter words
- heavenlyCelestial
- etherealCelestial
- asteroidSmall celestial body composed of rock and metal
- 9-letter words
- astronomyCelestial science
- 12-letter words
- astrophysicsScience of celestial bodies