Solutions Change has 40 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- zapUse a remote control to change television channels
- zigA sharp change of direction
- forkind of cap providing a change of gear
- 4-letter words
- keep".... the change"
- swapChange over
- 5-letter words
- sheerChange course
- retagChange the label
- emendMake changes to
- 6-letter words
- defectChange sides
- becomeChange into
- fickleChangeable
- 7-letter words
- reshapeChange form
- alteredChanged
- mutatedChanged from
- 8-letter words
- transferChange over
- variableChangeable
- modifiedChanged
- 9-letter words
- unsettledChangeable
- alterableChangeable
- transmuteChange in form
- 10-letter words
- turnaroundAn unexpected change
- adjustableChangeable
- inflexibleUnwilling to change
- 11-letter words
- fuddy-duddyA person who resists change
- quicksilverChange rapidly
- instabilityConstant change
- 12-letter words
- vicissitudesChanges of fortune occurring by chance
- conservatismOpposition to change and innovation
- irreversibleImpossible to change or take back
- 13-letter words
- metamorphosisStriking change
- unpredictableChange rapidly
- 14-letter words
- second-thoughtA change of opinion reached after reconsideration
- transformationChange of form
- 15-letter words
- break-the-mouldChange the accepted style or way of doing things
- rite-of-passageCeremony marking a change of status
- the-die-is-castAn event has happened that cannot be changed
- 16-letter words
- stick-in-the-mudA person who resists change
- 18-letter words
- electrocardiographInstrument used for recording changes in heartbeat
- philosophers-stoneSubstance able to change base metal into gold
- 21-letter words
- industrial-revolutionRapid social changes starting in Britain from about 1760