Solutions Cheat or defraud has 22 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- gypCheat
- 4-letter words
- dupeCheat
- 5-letter words
- cozenCheat
- cheatDefraud
- trickCheat
- 6-letter words
- fiddleAn act of cheating
- diddleCheat
- chiselCheat using sculptor's tool
- 7-letter words
- deceiveCheat
- do-downCheat
- swindleCheat
- 8-letter words
- two-timeCheat on one's partner
- 9-letter words
- cardsharpOne who cheats with a pack
- play-fairDon't cheat
- cribsheetCheater's paper
- 10-letter words
- clip-jointClub routinely defrauding patrons
- decathleteCompetitor cheated badly, receives sanction
- two-timingCheating on a partner
- 11-letter words
- hornswoggleOutwit by cheating or deception
- 12-letter words
- double-crossCheat
- 13-letter words
- on-the-fiddleEngaged in cheating
- 14-letter words
- double-crossedCheated by one's own agent