Solutions Childhood infection has 26 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- fluviral infection
- styEye infection
- onoDonator of Lennon's childhood home
- 4-letter words
- itchContagious skin infection
- rashA skin infection
- styeEye infection
- 5-letter words
- coughBronchial infection
- virusCause of infection
- 6-letter words
- dotagee.g. toad in second childhood
- immuneSafe from infection
- thrushThroat infection
- 7-letter words
- infancyEarly childhood
- measlesChildhood disease
- 8-letter words
- nazarethThe childhood home of Jesus
- sanitaryFree from infection
- 9-letter words
- hepatitisLiver infection caused by a virus
- cauteriseBurn the flesh of a wound to stop bleeding and prevent infection
- pneumoniaLung infection in which pus collects in the lungs
- 10-letter words
- adolescentAt the stage between childhood and maturity
- playfellowCompanion in childhood
- jelly-babyChildhood confection
- 11-letter words
- pestiferousHarbouring infection and disease
- tonsillitisThroat infection requiring antibiotics?
- 13-letter words
- streptococcusBacterium often causing infection
- 15-letter words
- puerperal-feverFever caused by infection of the uterus following childbirth
- 16-letter words
- immunodeficiencyFailure of the body's ability to resist infection