yalta Solutions City on the Black Sea, where Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill met in 1945 has 3 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsfootRabbit's ..., amulet believed to bring good luck that was once gifted to President Theodore Roosevelt5-letter wordskarmaprinciple wherein people's intentions and actions affect their fate9-letter wordsvolgogradRussian city formerly known as Tsaritsyn and Stalingrad
Solutions City on the Black Sea, where Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill met in 1945 has 3 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsfootRabbit's ..., amulet believed to bring good luck that was once gifted to President Theodore Roosevelt5-letter wordskarmaprinciple wherein people's intentions and actions affect their fate9-letter wordsvolgogradRussian city formerly known as Tsaritsyn and Stalingrad