Solutions Common metals has 18 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- troySystem of weights for precious stones and metals
- oresRocks that may contain precious metals
- weldFuse metals using heat
- 5-letter words
- alloyMixture of two or more metals
- steelAlloy of iron with carbon and other metals
- 6-letter words
- ethyneGas used for welding and cutting metals
- brazedJoined metals
- weldedJoined metals
- 7-letter words
- amalgamMixture of metals
- 8-letter words
- solderedJoined metals
- tinctureSubstance that colours metals
- 9-letter words
- corrosionDeterioration of metals by chemical reaction with their environment
- acetyleneGas used for welding and cutting metals
- 10-letter words
- metallurgyThe science concerned with the properties, production, and purification of metals
- troy-poundOld measure of weight for precious jewels and metals
- 11-letter words
- white-metalAlloy of tin with other metals
- 13-letter words
- brinell-scaleScale of hardness of metals based on resistance to indentation from the pressure of a standard steel ball
- transmutationProcess of changing metals into gold