Solutions Confess openly has 28 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- emoGenre with confessional lyrics
- 4-letter words
- defyOpenly resist
- ididTerse confession
- 5-letter words
- overtDone openly
- decryCriticise openly
- admitConfess
- 6-letter words
- covertNot done openly
- own-upConfess
- secretNot done openly
- 7-letter words
- testifyProfess one's faith openly
- peccaviConfession of guilt
- professAdmit openly
- 8-letter words
- denounceOpenly condemn
- outrightOpenly
- owningupConfessing
- 9-letter words
- owning-upConfessing
- admissionA confession
- admittingConfessing
- 10-letter words
- come-cleanFully confess something
- forthrightOpenly expressed
- come-clearFully confess something
- 12-letter words
- third-degreeLong and harsh questioning to obtain information or confession
- streettraderHe deals openly with his clients
- touchy-feelyOpenly expressing affection
- 13-letter words
- demonstrativeExpressing emotions openly
- card-carryingOpenly registered as a member of an institution
- 14-letter words
- shrive-oneselfPresent oneself to a priest for confession, penance, and absolution
- 15-letter words
- airs-ones-viewsSays what one has to say openly and without fear