Solutions confess or admit has 25 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- emoGenre with confessional lyrics
- ownAdmit
- 4-letter words
- avowAssert (admit)
- copsAdmits (to)
- 5-letter words
- seeinAdmit, with politeness
- admitConfess
- 6-letter words
- squealConfess information
- own-upAdmit liability
- 7-letter words
- includeAdmit
- concedeAdmit
- confessAdmit
- 8-letter words
- owningupConfessing
- taken-inAdmitted
- owned-upAdmitted
- 9-letter words
- admittingConfessing
- owning-upConfessing
- 10-letter words
- come-clearFully confess something
- come-cleanFully confess something
- admittanceRight to be admitted
- 11-letter words
- acknowledgeAdmit
- 12-letter words
- third-degreeLong and harsh questioning to obtain information or confession
- 13-letter words
- inner-sanctumPrivate place to which few are admitted
- open-and-shutAdmitting no doubt or dispute
- 14-letter words
- shrive-oneselfPresent oneself to a priest for confession, penance, and absolution
- eat-humble-pieAdmit one's mistakes