Solutions Connecting burrows has 15 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- beltConnecting strip
- linkConnecting part
- neckNarrow connecting part
- 5-letter words
- sinusCavity in the body connecting to nose
- modemConnecting device for computers
- 7-letter words
- big-endPart of the connecting rod in a piston engine
- stubendWidened tip of a connecting rod
- isthmusStrip of land connecting landmasses
- 8-letter words
- historicConnecting with old times
- ethernetA system for connecting a number of computers to form a local area network
- 10-letter words
- interstatefast wide road connecting cities in the us
- suez-canalFamous waterway connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea
- 12-letter words
- panama-canalWaterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
- 13-letter words
- rabbit-warrenGroup of burrows
- 14-letter words
- umbilical-cordTube connecting foetus and placenta