Solutions Considered likely has 35 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- ari"All Things Considered" co-host Shapiro
- sapLikely victim on April Fools' Day
- aptLikely
- 4-letter words
- tendBe likely to
- ibetNot likely
- goerlikely success
- 5-letter words
- antsyLikely to fidget
- augurA likely outcome
- fancyRegard as a likely winner
- 6-letter words
- in-allEverything considered
- expectRegard as likely
- rasherLess considered
- 7-letter words
- ricketyLikely to collapse
- odds-onMore likely than not
- thoughtConsidered
- 8-letter words
- probableLikely
- inclinedLikely
- feasibleLikely
- 9-letter words
- knee-jerkSudden and ill-considered
- judiciousCarefully considered
- junk-foodIll-considered diet
- 10-letter words
- improbableNot likely to happen
- peccadilloSin considered petty or trifling
- 11-letter words
- prospectiveLikely to happen
- contentiousLikely to cause an argument
- implicationA likely consequence
- 12-letter words
- inauspiciousNot likely to lead to success
- front-runnerLikely winner
- on-the-wholeAll things considered
- 13-letter words
- up-and-comingLikely to become successful
- in-the-offingLikely to happen soon
- up-to-no-goodLikely to do mischief
- 14-letter words
- weather-chartsThey tell you whether it is likely to rain
- 15-letter words
- lightingfixtureWhat shades might be considered for
- 18-letter words
- has-the-makings-ofIs likely to be, when grows up or matures