Solutions Court or parliamentary official has 15 entries with similar clues
- whipParliamentary disciplinarian
- exactForce out former Parliamentary legislation
- speakerParliamentary officer
- hansardRecord of UK parliamentary debates
- subpoenaCourt order requiring a person to appear in court to give evidence
- black-rodParliamentary official
- stonewallObstruct as a deliberate strategy as in cricket or parliamentary debate
- filibusterDelay the progress of a parliamentary debate by the use of unnecessary long speeches
- trialjudgeCourtroom official
- carabinieriItalian parliamentary police
- gendarmerieFrench parliamentary police
- chamberlainCourt official
- rotten-boroughEnglish parliamentary constituency abolished by the 1832 Reforms Act
- decree-absoluteA final order by a court of law that officially ends a marriage
- three-line-whipParliamentary voting instructions