jungly Solutions Dense and overgrown has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsturfA layer of earth with its dense growth of grass and matted roots5-letter wordsiviedOvergrown with creeperbrakeOvergrown area thick with shrubs and undergrowth6-letter wordspulsarSmall and extremely dense starturbidDense, thick, and cloudy7-letter wordsthicketOvergrown area thick with shrubs and undergrowth
Solutions Dense and overgrown has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsturfA layer of earth with its dense growth of grass and matted roots5-letter wordsiviedOvergrown with creeperbrakeOvergrown area thick with shrubs and undergrowth6-letter wordspulsarSmall and extremely dense starturbidDense, thick, and cloudy7-letter wordsthicketOvergrown area thick with shrubs and undergrowth