Solutions Discoverer of X-ray radiation has 28 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- remunit of radiation
- 4-letter words
- salkPolio vaccine discoverer
- emitGive off radiation
- 5-letter words
- curieSurname of radium discoverers
- laserDevice giving strong radiation in one direction
- alphaThese radiation particles are helium nuclei
- 6-letter words
- geiger...... counter, radiation meter
- exhaleGive off radiation
- x-raysKinds of radiation
- 7-letter words
- abelsonphilip ..., co-discoverer with edwin mcmillan of chemical element neptunium
- emanateGive off radiation
- mutatesChanges by radiation or genetic engineering
- 8-letter words
- roentgenA unit of quantity of ionising radiation
- infraredOf radiation with a longer wavelength than light
- 9-letter words
- dosimeterDevice to measure an absorbed dose of radiation
- irradiateExpose to radiation
- 10-letter words
- gamma-raysEnergy radiations from radioactive substances
- microwavesKinds of radiation
- 11-letter words
- ultravioletKinds of radiation
- cosmic-raysKinds of radiation
- 12-letter words
- humphry-davyDiscoverer of aluminium
- 14-letter words
- beta-particlesKinds of radiation
- geiger-counterDevice for measuring radiation
- 15-letter words
- alpha-particlesKinds of radiation
- the-ozone-layerIt protects us from high-energy ultraviolet radiation
- 16-letter words
- sir-isaac-newtonDiscoverer of the law of gravity
- 17-letter words
- greenhouse-effectHeating of the earth's atmosphere through increased absorption of solar radiation
- 25-letter words
- electromagnetic-radiationKinds of radiation