Solutions Down fall has 14 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- skiWith 7-Down, hill that people glide down in winter
- 5-letter words
- keelsCauses a boat to turn over or fall down
- wealdthe —, region of se england between the north downs and the south downs
- flumpFall down heavily
- 6-letter words
- bedded... down, hunkered down for the night
- hurtleFall straight down and suddenly
- hubrisPride leading to down fall
- 7-letter words
- plummetFall straight down and suddenly
- 8-letter words
- collapseEveryone up in woodland to fall down
- landslipFall of earth, stones, etc., downslope
- 9-letter words
- avalancheA mass of snow falling rapidly down a mountain side
- 11-letter words
- precipitateFall straight down and suddenly
- dilapidatedBroken down and falling to bits
- 13-letter words
- bite-the-dustFall down dead