Solutions Dropping an A-bomb has 31 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- hhabbreviation for rare bombay blood group
- 3-letter words
- ncoLance bombardier, in the RAF
- estCNN abbreviates it further by dropping its middle letter
- iedhomemade bomb.
- 4-letter words
- ermaHumorist Bombeck
- nukeAn atom bomb
- scatAnimal droppings
- 5-letter words
- scatsDroppings of animals
- blitzIntense aerial bombardment
- 6-letter words
- craterHole left by bomb
- defuseMake a bomb inactive
- 7-letter words
- stiltedBombastic
- barrageBombardment
- pompousBombastic
- 8-letter words
- shrapnelBomb fragments produced after explosion
- canberraBomber (capital, liner)
- rhetoricBombast
- 9-letter words
- cannonadeArtillery bombardment
- napalmingAttacking with bombs
- doodlebugGerman bomb known as V-1
- 10-letter words
- los-alamosThe site where first atomic and hydrogen bombs were developed in the United States
- deactivateMake a bomb inactive
- sleepyheadOne dropping off
- 12-letter words
- magniloquentBombastic
- hand-grenadeA type of personal bomb
- 13-letter words
- butterfingersSomeone always dropping catches
- hand-grenadesSmall bombs
- grandiloquentBombastic
- 16-letter words
- molotov-cocktailA crude bomb made up of a bottle of inflammable liquid ignited by a wick
- 20-letter words
- j-robert-oppenheimerInventor of atom bomb
- 25-letter words
- sir-barnes-neville-wallisEnglish inventor who devised the bouncing bomb used against dams in Germany in Second World War