Solutions End-of-sentence dots has 11 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- dieGaming cube with dots
- 5-letter words
- islesDots of land
- seedsdots in a slice of watermelon
- 6-letter words
- umlautTwo dots over a vowel in German
- paroleTemporary release of prisoner before the end of a sentence on the promise of good behaviour
- imfreeWords at the end of a sentence?
- 7-letter words
- dominosTiles with dots
- speckleMark with small dots
- 8-letter words
- stretchyEnd of stay after prison sentence able to be lengthened
- 9-letter words
- half-toneReproduction of an image using variously sized dots of ink
- 11-letter words
- pointillismPainting style using dots and small strokes, associated with Georges Seurat in late eighteenth-century France