Solutions ESP has 29 entries with similar clues
- spyengage in espionage
- abcespn sister station
- cafeespresso shop
- seissix, en español
- planmap of esplanade
- latteEspresso with steamed milk
- spotsEspies
- moraleEsprit de corps
- spyingEspionage
- venialForgiven especially by god
- baristaEspresso preparer
- spottedEspied
- unusualespecial
- all-thatNot especially
- pops-offDies, especially suddenly
- adoptionEspousal
- above-allEspecially
- vegetablePlant especially edible
- proboscisEspecially big nose
- redundancySurplus, especially in one's job
- onomasticsStudy of the origin of proper names, especially personal names
- psychedelicEspy cliched use of vivid colour
- camaraderieEsprit de corps
- edmundwilsonUS critic, noted especially for Axel's Castle , a study of the symbolist movement
- particularlyEspecially
- his-highnessTitle of the king especially in Great Britain
- auld-lang-syneOld times, especially remembered with affection
- secret-serviceGovernment espionage department
- kill-the-fatted-calfCelebrate especially at prodigal's return