Solutions exceed as a gambler has 22 entries with similar clues
- spedExceeded the limit
- overExceeding
- veryExceedingly
- tailsGambler's choice evening dress
- kenny... Rogers ["The Gambler" singer)
- wagerGambler
- punterGambler
- churchyExceedingly pious
- surpassExceed
- go-overExceed
- gotoofarExceed acceptable limits
- outweighExceed in importance
- outstripExceed
- overshootExceed a limit
- betteroffwealthier gambler is leaving
- speculatorGambler
- go-too-farExceed reasonable limits
- surpassingExceeding
- monte-carloGambler's resort
- scratch-cardGambler's investment rubbed with a coin
- brokenrecordsprevious feats exceeded - as the result of slipped discs?
- deipnosophistPerson who exceeds in conversation at dinner table