spit Solutions Expel saliva has 12 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsspatEjected saliva from the mouthoustExpel5-letter wordsdroolSalivateejectExpelevictExpel6-letter wordsbreathAir received and expelleddeportExpel from a countrydisbarExpel7-letter wordsdribbleLet saliva trickle from the mouthspittleSaliva ejected from the mouth8-letter wordsdeporteePerson expelled from country9-letter wordsdischargeExpel from service
Solutions Expel saliva has 12 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsspatEjected saliva from the mouthoustExpel5-letter wordsdroolSalivateejectExpelevictExpel6-letter wordsbreathAir received and expelleddeportExpel from a countrydisbarExpel7-letter wordsdribbleLet saliva trickle from the mouthspittleSaliva ejected from the mouth8-letter wordsdeporteePerson expelled from country9-letter wordsdischargeExpel from service