Solutions Expressing sadness has 29 entries with similar clues
- phA figure expressing acidity
- cryShed tears in expressing sorrow or pain
- nixExpressing denial or refusal
- tearsign of joy or sadness
- blueColor associated with sadness
- jeezExpressing surprise or annoyance
- griefSadness
- shrugGesture expressing unconcern
- lyricExpressing poetical emotions
- sorrowSadness
- pathosSadness
- ruefulExpressing regret
- glowingExpressing great praise
- soulfulExpressing deep feeling
- emotionjoy or sadness, e.g.
- feelblueexperience sadness
- derisiveExpressing ridicule
- the-bluesFeelings of sadness
- laudatoryExpressing praise
- rapturousExpressing great pleasure
- melancholySadness
- imperativeExpressing an order
- pejorativeExpressing disapproval
- reproachfulExpressing disapproval
- tendentiousExpressing a strong opinion
- tub-thumpingExpressing opinions in a loud and violent or dramatic way
- touchy-feelyOpenly expressing affection
- demonstrativeGiven to expressing one's feelings
- self-assertionConfidence in expressing one's views