Solutions Fall has 31 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- sinFall from grace
- lagFall behind
- mugFall guy
- 4-letter words
- bombFall flat
- 5-letter words
- asterFall flower
- humanFallible
- 6-letter words
- revertFall back
- untrueFallacious
- damageFallout
- 7-letter words
- niagaraFalls
- relapseFall back
- cascadeFalls
- 8-letter words
- autumnalof the fall
- screw-upFall badly
- straggleFall behind
- 9-letter words
- cascadingFalling copiously
- comeapartFall to pieces
- scapegoatFall guy
- 10-letter words
- torrentialOf rain falling rapidly and heavily
- undulationRising and falling movement
- be-ignoredFall on deaf ears
- 11-letter words
- precipitateFall straight down and suddenly
- pluviometerInstrument measuring rain fall
- susceptibleLiable to fall victim
- 12-letter words
- wolf-whistleA whistle with a raising and falling pitch used to express sexual attraction
- hit-the-deckFall to the ground
- 13-letter words
- salpingectomyRemoval of a fallopian tube
- bite-the-dustFall down dead
- 14-letter words
- night-watchmanSomeone promoted up the ordinary batting order when a wicket falls close to the end of the day's play
- keep-ones-feetManage not to fall
- 15-letter words
- galileo-galileiAstronomer who discovered the constancy of pendulum and uniform acceleration of falling bodies