Solutions Famous has 54 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- gcInitials of ER's most famous actor
- 3-letter words
- witDorothy Parker, famously
- cvsFamous American pharmacy brand
- jawcain's ...bone, famously difficult murder mystery puzzle
- 4-letter words
- starFamous person
- eliafamous essayist
- poohFamous bear
- 5-letter words
- celebFamous person
- aroseBecame famous
- 6-letter words
- ronaldFamous McDonald
- carmenFamous Bizet opera
- celebsFamous people
- 7-letter words
- antwerpFamous Belgian city
- matisseFamous French artist
- houdiniFamous escapologist
- 8-letter words
- megastarExceptionally famous man
- big-timeHit the ......, become famous
- luminaryOne famous in his profession
- 9-letter words
- celebrateMake famous
- legendaryVery famous
- celebrityFamous person
- 10-letter words
- koh-i-noorFamous diamond
- robin-hoodFamous outlaw
- notabilityA famous person
- 11-letter words
- edwin-mosesFamous US hurdler
- earn-a-nameBecome famous
- nightingaleBird (famous nurse)
- 12-letter words
- isaac-newtonFamous British scientist
- star-studdedLittered with famous names
- causecelebreA famous trial
- 13-letter words
- harry-houdiniThe famous escape artist
- kane-and-abelJeffrey Archer's most famous novel
- julie-andrewsThe famous heroine of The Sound of Music
- 14-letter words
- household-nameA famous person or thing
- shri-aurabindoA famous ashram in Pondichery (India)
- 15-letter words
- brave-new-worldAldous Huxley's famous novel
- hall-of-mirrorsFamous room at Versailles
- the-last-supperLeonardo da Vinci's famous painting in Milan
- 16-letter words
- vincent-van-goghFamous Dutch painter
- chariots-of-fireFamous movie dealing with long-distance runners
- comedy-of-errorsShakespeare's famous play
- 17-letter words
- the-twelfth-nightGreat Bard's famous comedy
- the-lust-for-lifeIrving Stone's famous novel
- vladimir-horowitzFamous Russian pianist
- 18-letter words
- candle-in-the-windElton John's famous song
- 19-letter words
- the-lady-of-shallotTennyson's famous poem
- 20-letter words
- love-me-for-a-reasonFamous song by Boyzone
- 23-letter words
- the-old-man-and-the-seaErnest Hemingway's famous novel
- hans-christian-andersenFamous fairy-tale teller
- for-whom-the-bell-tollsErnest Hemingway's famous novel
- 25-letter words
- the-night-of-the-generalsFamous WWII movie
- 28-letter words
- stan-laurel-and-oliver-hardyAn American comedy duo famous for their brand slapstick comedies
- 30-letter words
- h-g-wells-herbert-george-wellsEnglish science-fiction novelist famous for the novel The Time Machine
- 31-letter words
- the-rime-of-the-ancient-marinerSamuel Taylor Coleridge's famous poem