Solutions Fat has 38 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- kenFathom
- fryCook in fat
- lotFate
- 4-letter words
- papaFather
- doomFate
- 5-letter words
- paterFather
- daddyFather
- karmaFate
- 6-letter words
- kismetFate
- deadlyFatal
- stupidFatuous
- 7-letter words
- idioticFatuous
- adiposeFatty
- destinyFate
- 8-letter words
- destinedIntended by fate
- paternalFatherly
- drippingMeat fat
- 9-letter words
- sebaceousProducing oil or fat
- holocaustFatal conflagration
- paternityFatherhood
- 10-letter words
- spare-tyreSurplus fat on the midriff
- yuppie-fluChronic fatigue syndrome
- 11-letter words
- santa-clausFather Christmas
- ill-starredIll-fated
- predestinedIntended by fate
- 12-letter words
- skimmed-milkLow-fat fluid
- househusbandStay-at-home father
- 13-letter words
- paterfamiliasFather as a head of the household
- paternitysuitLegal action taken to identify a child's father
- 14-letter words
- paternity-suitA court case held to establish the identity of a child's father
- adipose-tissueBody tissue in which fat is stored
- 15-letter words
- the-grim-reaperDeath personified as Old Father Time
- parforthecoursefather, royal, in favour of the sweet? that's what is expected
- will-o-the-wispIgnis fatuus
- 16-letter words
- life-threateningPotentially fatal
- 20-letter words
- alexandre-dumas-filsFrench novelist father and son
- alexandre-dumas-pereFrench novelist father and son
- 23-letter words
- a-chip-of-the-old-blockLike father, like son