Solutions Feminine pronoun has 25 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- hershe/...... pronouns
- sesparis pronoun
- sayPronounce
- 4-letter words
- inow".. pronounce you..."
- they.../them pronouns
- themthey..., pronouns
- 5-letter words
- edictPronouncement
- thinebiblical pronoun
- theirPossessive pronoun
- 6-letter words
- silentOf a letter, not pronounced
- dictumPronouncement
- genderMasculine or feminine
- 7-letter words
- cedillaMark suggesting a c should be pronounced as 's'
- intonedpronounced a big fan of flanders?
- blessesPronounces as holy
- 8-letter words
- aspiratePronounce with release of breath
- 9-letter words
- enunciatePronounce words distinctly
- womanlikeFeminine
- 10-letter words
- jawbreakerA word that is very long or very hard to pronounce
- disqualifyPronounce someone ineligible for an office or activity
- articulatePronounce words distinctly
- 11-letter words
- thirdpersonpronouns she and they are in this grammatical category
- declarationPronouncement
- 14-letter words
- tongue-twisterA sequence of words that are difficult to pronounce quickly
- a-womans-touchFeminine influence