Solutions Flowers has 37 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- leiFlowers worn around neck
- ftd1-800-FLOWERS rival
- 4-letter words
- wiltDroop, as flowers
- budsimmature flowers
- vaseHolder for flowers
- 5-letter words
- rosesFlowers with thorny stems
- 6-letter words
- tulipsDutch flowers
- irises"Bearded" flowers
- wreathRing of flowers
- 7-letter words
- poppiesScarlet flowers
- floristSeller of flowers
- blossomMass of flowers
- 8-letter words
- gladioliFlowers of Iris family
- tearosesThorny hybrid flowers
- crocusesSmall spring flowers
- 9-letter words
- amaryllisPlant with showy flowers
- daffodilsFlowers seen in spring
- rose-bowlReceptacle for flowers
- 10-letter words
- floribundaRose with dense clusters of flowers
- water-lilyAquatic plant with showy flowers
- anthomaniaObsession with flowers
- 11-letter words
- floriferousProducing many flowers
- herb-robertWayside plant with red flowers
- pelargoniumA garden plant with red, pink, or white flowers
- 12-letter words
- horticulturePlant cultivation of flowers
- floricultureCultivation of flowers
- salad-burnetVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots
- 13-letter words
- lambs-lettuceVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots
- forget-me-notPlant with small blue flowers
- solomons-sealLiliaceous plant with pendant flowers
- 14-letter words
- marsh-samphireVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots
- turnip-cabbageVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots
- orange-blossomTraditional flowers for the bride
- 15-letter words
- chinese-cabbageVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots
- globe-artichokeVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots
- batavian-endiveVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots
- 16-letter words
- mung-bean-shootsVegetable flowers, leaves, stalks, and shoots