Solutions French castle has 23 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- rookCastle
- keepCastle tower
- moatcastle's ditch
- 5-letter words
- leedsCastle of Southern England
- motteParts of castle
- 6-letter words
- donjonParts of castle
- turretParts of castle
- palaceCastle
- 7-letter words
- citadelCastle
- 8-letter words
- barbicanWatchtower over a castle gate
- tintagelCornish castle
- 9-letter words
- gatehouseParts of castle
- chatelainMaster of a castle
- fortifiedlike some castle walls and breakfast cereals
- 10-letter words
- drawbridgeCastle defence
- portcullisParts of castle
- 11-letter words
- richboroughCastle near Sandwich in Kent where Romans landed in AD 43
- framlinghamSuffolk town with castle
- 12-letter words
- edmundwilsonUS critic, noted especially for Axel's Castle , a study of the symbolist movement
- crenellationParts of castle
- curtain-wallParts of castle
- 13-letter words
- machicolationParts of castle
- devils-islandRocky island off the coast of French Guiana used as French prison colony