Solutions Gall has 29 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- artgallery piece
- gadGallivant
- ten....-gallon hat
- 4-letter words
- lopeGallop easily
- pico— de gallo
- irksGalls
- 5-letter words
- salonArt gallery
- adieuGallic farewell
- irkedGalled
- 6-letter words
- frenchGallic
- gibbetGallows
- canterAn easy gallop
- 7-letter words
- tantivyGalloping at full speed
- stetsonTen-gallon hat
- arcadesgalleries
- 8-letter words
- scaffoldGallows
- chivalryGallantry
- 9-letter words
- cystolithGallstone
- oak-appleLump on tree caused by gall wasp
- belvedereGallery having a fine view
- 11-letter words
- thebaystateMA cleared out Turkish auctioneer's gallery
- hurriedmealA case of galloping consumption?
- 12-letter words
- unchivalrousLacking gallantry
- 14-letter words
- victoria-crossBritish military decoration for gallantry
- cholelithotomyRemoval of gallstones
- 15-letter words
- croix-de-guerreFrench military decoration for gallantry
- dress-rehearsalshow trial with no one in the gallery?
- cholecystectomyRemoval of the gallbladder
- 16-letter words
- national-galleryAn art gallery in Trafalgar Square, London, holding collection of pictures