Solutions Gentle illumination has 28 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- himThat gentleman
- luxUnit of illumination
- sirGentleman
- 4-letter words
- mildGentle
- softGentle
- tameGentle
- 5-letter words
- nudgeGentle reminder
- ambleGentle walk
- 6-letter words
- tenderGentle
- squireGentleman
- benignGentle
- 7-letter words
- hidalgoSpanish gentleman
- dogtrotGentle paced run
- trickleGentle flow
- 8-letter words
- sunlightNatural illumination
- delicategentle lie acted badly
- meandersGentle bends in a river
- 9-letter words
- caballeroSpanish gentleman
- moonlightReflected illumination
- 10-letter words
- admonitionGentle warning
- streetlampIllumination on post
- chivalrousGentlemanly
- 11-letter words
- lightbreezegentle wind? an illuminated, simple task?
- streetlightUrban illumination
- 12-letter words
- carriagelampillumination has bearing on city politician
- riding-lightIllumination for ship at anchor
- 13-letter words
- mild-manneredCalm and gentle in attitude
- tenderheartedHaving a kind, gentle, or sentimental nature