Solutions Gin cocktail has 33 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- fainitials of ginger rogers' dance partner
- 3-letter words
- aleSchweppes ginger ....
- taimai ..., rum cocktail
- mai...-tai (cocktail)
- 4-letter words
- hugeGinormous
- raceGinger root
- sloe... gin fizz
- 5-letter words
- oliveCocktail fruit
- tonicGin go-with
- snapsGinger cookies
- 6-letter words
- maitaiRummy cocktail
- shandyGinger beer
- 7-letter words
- belliniKinds of cocktail
- juniperGin berry
- 8-letter words
- daiquiriKinds of cocktail
- martinisGin cocktails
- schnappsHolland gin
- 9-letter words
- margaritaKinds of cocktail
- angosturaBitters for gin
- 10-letter words
- bucks-fizzKinds of cocktail
- gingersnaprap ginseng? somehow it takes the biscuit!
- eliwhitneyNoted gin producer (2 wds.)
- 11-letter words
- screwdriverCocktail (tool)
- quadrillionGinormous figure
- pina-coladaKinds of cocktail
- 12-letter words
- glasstumblerCocktail vessel
- blackrussianCocktail made with Kahlua and vodka
- mothers-ruinGin
- 13-letter words
- old-fashionedCocktail made with whiskey, bitters, sugar, and fruit
- 14-letter words
- lightinguptimedelicate gin sadly at an end before item gets spilt in dusk, maybe
- 15-letter words
- brandyalexanderCocktail with creme de cacao
- tequila-sunriseKinds of cocktail
- 17-letter words
- harvey-wallbangerKinds of cocktail